Matilda's birthday ticker Margot's birthday ticker

08 August, 2008

Becoming Matilda Cole Smart

While thinking about names for our daughter, my sister Jen (now Auntie Jen,) suggested Matilda. Matt and I added it to our top three names. I loved the name as it would give our daughter some choice in whether she would like to be a Matilda, Tilda, or Mati. In addition, it's close to being named after her father, Matt versus Mati.

Cole is a family name and comes from Matt's grandmother's maiden name. Smart is pretty obvious. She can use an abacus with her eyes closed. Thus, Matilda Cole Smart.


Auntie Jen said...

Awww, shucks.
Thanks for the shout-out and the props. That was just one of my Auntie duties. (ha ha. I just said doodies. Insert diaper joke here.)

P.S. She's so gosh darn cute!
xo xo xo

Unknown said...

We just watched The Professional last night; Natalie Portman's character is named Matilda. A pretty good character in a great movie.

Not bad =]